
キャンパスライフ24収入総額/100,000円平均的な1日のタイムスケジュール毎月のおサイフ情報を教えて! 受け身では何も始まらないし、もったいないです。とにかく、研究・サークル・バイト・遊びでも何でもいいので自分の興味のあることにどんどん挑戦してみてください。きっと、いろいろなことが学べ、多くの人たちと出会えるでしょう。4年間はあっという間です。悔いのないように学生生活を送ってください。7:309:30~13:0013:00~14:0014:00~18:0019:00~23:0023:00~25:00起床研究昼食研究夕食・自由時間orバイト風呂・就寝 生き物や自然が好きなので、生物・自然に関わる仕事に興味があります。学部時代に学芸員の免許を取得したので、自然史系の博物館の学芸員を目指しています。 1つ目は、親元を離れ一人暮らしを始めて、自分自身で行動するようになったことです。衣食住から学生生活、バイト、進路選択まですべて自分自身で考えて決定し、行動するようになりました。 2つ目は、地元から離れた富山で新しい人間関係を築けたことです。学科、バイト、サークルなどを通じてたくさんの人と交流することができました。■ 家賃・住居費■ 飲食費■ 衣料購入費■ 図書・コピー等■ 嗜好品購入・遊興費■ その他Typical dailyscheduleTypical monthlybudgetI always long to see any sign of improvement in any aspect of life in my country. Lucky enough, at this stage of my life, I have got some experiences in several domains including education, cultural diversity, and management that I could share with others. After completion of my PhD, I would like to use the rich academic and managerial skills from diverse cultures to contribute to the development in research and education in my country and the international community as a whole. My ultimate goal is to support educational programs for the underprivileged.I was selected to benet from a JICA scholarship in the framework of the disaster mitigation project on two CO2 rich lakes in Cameroon, sponsored by the Cameroon and Japan governments. This project involves scientic collaborations of researchers from both countries. The choice of Toyama University was primarily because my supervisors were faculty sta of Toyama University and also members of the Satreps project under which my PhD is funded. It would have been very dicult for me to make a choice prior to the selection processes since I did not know much about Japan. However, after the choice was proposed, I got additional information about the University of Toyama from the internet. I found that the University has standard laboratories in my research eld. During my study, I discovered that Toyama University was a good choice because, I found here a University with an ‘’open-door’’ policy that provides a conducive environment for studies and fosters collaborative reection. Furthermore, I had frequent scientic exchanges with professors, researchers, and other students. In addition, the laboratories are well-equipped, and the University sta and community are very friendly. Finally, Toyama is a quiet city, with friendly people and lots of facilities to make one’s life enjoyable.Most common concerns for people who are coming to Japan for the rst time are about the language, extreme climate (winter and summer) and natural disasters (earthquakes and tsunamis). The Japanese language constitutes a barrier for many foreigners as it is very dierent from several languages. It is very necessary to understand the basics of the language for normal daily interaction with the community. The University of Toyama provides intensive Japanese classes for foreign students that I recommend all prospective students to take it serious. I attended the classes for six months and found it so good, important and necessary, else my experience would have been limited. Regarding climate and natural disasters, it is very important always to get updates from the Japan meteorological centers for any eventual hazard. It is equally good to know the emergency gathering or evacuation centers in their area of residence. There is no need to panic during an eventual alert. Rather, it is good to follow the disaster management rules and guides.内訳:奨学金 50,000円  バイト代 50,000円Income/143,000 yen(JICA scholarship)■ Housing■ Food & drink■ Clothing■ Books & photocopies■ Hobbies & entertainment■ Miscellaneous50,000円30,000円5,000円5,000円5,000円5,000円埼玉県出身埼玉県出身大学院理工学教育部生物学専攻修士課程2年大学院理工学教育部生物学専攻修士課程2年fromCameroonfromCameroonDepartment of Environmental and Energy Sciences, Graduate School of Science and EngineeringDepartment of Environmental and Energy Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering将来の夢 富大生になって良かったことこれから富大理学部に進学する後輩へひとこと My dream My reason for choosing the University of ToyamaMy thoughts for prospective students¥50,000¥35,000¥10,000¥5,000¥20,000¥23,0006:00~ 6:307:00~ 8:007:00or8:00~13:0013:00~13:3013:45~20:0021:00~23:0023:00or24:00wake upArrival at the labLab analysis anddeskworkLunchLab analysis anddeskworkContact and chatwith familyBed time



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