
工学部 Faculty of Engineering芸術文化学部 Faculty of Art and Design学科名 Departments講座名 Chairs電気電子システム工学科 Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering電気システム工学、通信制御工学、電子物性デバイス工学 Electric Systems Engineering, Communication and Control Engineering, Electronic Material and Device Engineering知能情報工学科 Department of Intellectual Information Engineering知能システム工学、マルチモーダル情報工学、メディア情報工学 Intellectual Systems Engineering, Multimodal Information Engineering, Media Information Engineering 機械知能システム工学科 Department of Mechanical and Intellectual Systems Engineering設計生産工学、エネルギー・環境工学、機械制御情報工学 Systems Design and Production Engineering, Energy Conversion and Environmental Engineering, MachineControl and Information Engineering生命工学科 Department of Life Sciences and Bioengineering生命工学 Life Sciences and Bioengineering環境応用化学科 Department of Environmental Applied Chemistry環境応用化学 Environmental Applied Chemistry材料機能工学科 Department of Materials Science and Engineering材料機能工学 Materials Science and Engineering 近年の社会の変革と急激な技術の革新に合わせて、工学教育も多様化、個性化、専門化へと進んでいます。また、工学倫理や生命倫理に基づき、地域社会や国際社会に貢献できる人が強く求められています。これらの観点から、工学部では、広く深い教養と専門的知識の修得はもとより、それらを諸課題に応用できる独創性教育、地球や人間に優しい環境教育、国際社会に対応できる語学や情報教育を重視し、豊かな人間性をもった優秀な研究者・技術者を育成しています。 In tune with the changes in society and rapid technological innovations in recent years, engineering education is also becoming more diverse, distinctive and specialized. Moreover, based on engineering ethics and bioethics, those who can contribute to local and international communities are being actively sought. From this perspective, at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Toyama the focus has been on not only widespread and in-depth learning and acquiring specialized knowledge and skills, but also on originality. This allows knowledge and skills to be put to practical use, environmental education that is friendly to the earth and human beings, language and information education for the global community and cultivating well-rounded researchers and professionals.学科名 Departmentコース名 Courses芸術文化学科 Department of Art and Design造形芸術、デザイン工芸、デザイン情報、建築デザイン、芸術文化キュレーション Fine Arts, Crafts and Design, Design and Communication, Architecture and Design,Curation 芸術文化学部は1学科5コース制。芸術文化に対する感性と幅広い分野の知識・技術を活用し、人間と自然や社会との関わりを見つめ、そこに存在する数々の問題を発見し、解決しようと自発的に行動する意欲的な人材の育成を目的としています。各コースの専門領域教育を行う一方で、社会環境の変化や地域からの多様なニーズに柔軟に対応できるよう、幅広い教養が身につくカリキュラムと独自の履修システムによる融合教育を行っています。  The Faculty of Art and Design consists of one department and provides five courses. We offer our students specialized education in which they acquire knowledge and skills expected in various fields to utilize them with sensitivity to art and culture; they learn to see human beings in relation to nature and society, find issues in that relationship, and act voluntarily to resolve them with a strong will.  In addition to the specialized education mainly provided by the five courses, we also offer a curriculum for broad education based on an interdisciplinary class-taking system in order to be prepared for the changes in the social environment and be flexible in meeting the various needs of the region. 学部・大学院 Introduction of Faculties and Graduate Schools172015 富山大学概要



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