
生涯学習部門 Lifelong Learning Division ▲サテライト講座   Satellite lecture 富山大学の持つ様々な知識・技術を公開講座やオープンクラス(正規授業の公開)などを通じて開放し、地域社会の学習環境を豊かにします。あらゆる世代が自然にキャンパスを闊歩する、そんな富山大学の学風を目指します。 富山大学の知的資源を開放することを通して、地域社会における生涯学習の振興と充実に寄与します。  The University of Toyama provides public lectures and open courses in order to share its academic resources with the local and regional communities. Our aim is to be more than just a place for students and faculty, but to be an important source of information and knowledge to the people of Toyama. The University shares intelligence and technology with the public, which contributes to the promotion and enhancement of lifelong learning in the regional community. We take particular pleasure in seeing people of all ages and interests sharing our campus and benefitting from their time with us.地域づくり・文化支援部門 Community Development and Culture Support Division ▲地域の伝統産業をテーマとした  特別公開フォーラム  Special forum about local traditional industry 伝統・地域文化やアート等の文化資源を活かした地域社会の活性化や、質の高い生活の醸成への支援のため、大学内にとどまらず積極的に地域との連携を進め、地域と大学が一体となった「地域のキャンパス化」の実現を目指しています。また、産・学・官・金・メディアや地域コミュニティとの連携を積極的に推進し、富山県内や北陸地域で生まれ育った豊かな伝統的文化やその上に成り立つ芸術的感性、伝統産業、自然資源を活用した地域づくりを支援します。  The Community Development and Culture Support Division promotes collaboration with local communities for its vitalization utilizing cultural resources such as traditional local culture, industry, and landscape. Our division also attempts to expand campus to the region by artistic and cultural activities accompanied with research and education practices of our university. To support sustainable community development, our division coordinates collaboration among industry, local governments, academia, financial institutions, the media, and local communities.地域医療・保健支援部門 Community Medicine & Health Support Division▲ふなはしむら健康構想での  ワークショップ   The workshop held as a Part of  the Funahashimura Health Project 地域社会の自律的発展に貢献するため、社会人教育による市民生活の充実、地域課題解決への先導的役割等を果たすとともに、地域社会と連携する中核拠点としての機能を果たすことを目的としています。  In order to contribute to self-sustaining development of the regional community, the “Organization for Promotion of Regional Collaboration” plays a leading role in providing a high quality of life for citizens through continuing education and finding solutions for regional problems. In addition, we aim to serve as a center of regional community.地域連携推進機構 Organization for Promotion of Regional Collaboration 地域との連携を推進し、地域医療や地域保健に関する人材育成、調査、研究、情報発信を通じて、地域の保健・医療・福祉の向上に貢献します。  The Community Medicine and Health Support Division aims to promote partnership with the communities and seeks the maintenance and improvement of health and welfare,through human resource development,survey and research,and information provision.地域連携戦略室 Section for Regional Collaboration Strategy 地域連携戦略の企画立案、自治体や民間企業、各種団体等と連携した地域振興への企画立案及びコーディネート等、本学の地域連携に関するシンクタンク機能を担います。  The Section for Regional Collaboration Strategy functions as a think tank for regional alliances of our university by planning strategies for regional collaboration and also by planning and coordinating for regional development in collaboration with local governments and private enterprises, and various lobbies.地域連携推進機構 Organization for Promotion of Regional Collaboration272015 富山大学概要



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