
 and Takaoka National College were integrated and reorganized, and the new university corporation was renamed University of Toyama was established Faculty of Human Development was established(Faculty of Education was reorganized) Institute of Natural Medicine was established(The Institute of Natural Medicine was reorganized) Student Support Center,Career Support Center,Admission Center,Community Medical Support Center,Art & Culture Support Center was established Education were established(Graduate School of Medicine Science,Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering were integrated and reorganized)  援センター、地域づくり・文化支援センター、知的財産本部を統合・改組)  Medical Support Center,Art & Culture Support Center, Intellectual Property Office were reorganized) Graduate School of Human Development was established(Graduate School of Education was reorganized)  was reorganized) Management Center was reorganized) Organization for Education and Student Support was established(Student Support Center,Career Support Center,Admission Center&Center for Support of University Education was reorganized) Organization for Promotion of Research was established(Hydrogen Isotope Research Center,Center for Research and Development in Natural Sciences,Center for Far Eastern Studies&Life Science Research Center was reorganized) 究センターの統合・改組) 大学教育支援センター設置  Instrumental Analysis,Radioisotope Laboratory,Research Center for Low Temperature Quantum Science were reorganized) Center for Support of University Education was established高岡短期大学開学(産業工芸学科、産業情報学科) Takaoka National College was founded(Department of Industrial Arts, Department of Industrial Information Science) 短期大学開放センター設置 The College Extension Center was established専攻科地域産業専攻(1年制、1専攻)設置 The Advanced Course of Regional Industry (one-year, one-subject) was established専攻科を2年制、3専攻に再編改組 The Advanced Courses was reorganized, and was changed to two-years and three-subjects 学科を産業造形学科、産業デザイン学科、地域ビジネス学科の3学科に再編改組 The department was reorganized with three departments. The Department of Industrial Arts and Crafts,the Department of Industrial Design and the Department of Regional Business Management were established保健管理センター設置 The Center for Health Care and Human Sciences was established 国立大学法人法の規定により国立大学法人となる All National Universities transformed into National University Corporations, and Takaoka NationalCollege was incorporated under the National University Corporation Law富山医科薬科大学 Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University 高岡短期大学 Takaoka National College富山医科薬科大学開学 医学部設置 Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University was founded  The Faculty of Medicine was established薬学部設置(富山大学より移行) The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences was established (Transfer from Toyama University) 和漢薬研究所設置(富山大学より移行)、大学院薬学研究科設置、放射性同位元素実験施設設置 The Institute of Natural Medicine was established (Transfer from Toyama University), The Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science was established, Radio-Isotope Research Center was established附属病院設置 The University Hospital was established動物実験センター設置 The Laboratory Animal Center was established大学院医学研究科設置 The Graduate School of Medicine was established保健管理センター設置 Health Administration Center was established実験実習機器センター設置 The Scientific Instrument Center was established遺伝子実験施設設置 The Molecular Genetics Research Center was established大学院医学研究科を医学系研究科に改称 The name of the Graduate School of Medicine was changed to the Graduate School of Medical Science 生命科学実験センター設置(動物実験センター、遺伝子実験施設及び放射性同位元素実験施設を改組) The Life Science Research Center was established(The Laboratory Animal Center, the Molecular GeneticsResearch Center and the Radio-Isotope Research Center were reorganized)国立大学法人法の規定により国立大学法人となる All National Universities transformed into National University Corporations, and Toyama Medical andPharmaceutical University was incorporated under the National University Corporation Law生命科学先端研究センター設置(生命科学実験センター及び実験実習機器センターを改組) The Life Science Research Center was established(The Life Sciences Research Center and the ScientificInstrument Center were reorganized) 82015 富山大学概要



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