
学部 Faculty 思想・文化・歴史・言語・社会・心理・文学などに対する多様なアプローチで、人間への理解を深める知的探求の場です。1学科7講座のもとに23の多彩な教育研究分野があり、人間や社会に対する幅広い視野と洞察力、豊かな国際感覚を身につけることができます。日本・中国・ロシア及び朝鮮半島の諸地域について学べるのも本学部の特色です。 The Faculty of Humanities includes seven programs of study which offer a total of 23 concentrations in thought, culture, history, language, literature, sociology, and psychology. The Faculty offers students interested in the foreign languages, cultures, and civilizations a unique range of resources and opportunities for study, research, and personal growth. A number of faculty members specialize in the languages, cultures, and histories of East Asian countries, particularly those bordering the Japan Sea. Courses specific to Japan includes Japanese History, Literature, Linguistics and Philology, Thought and Ethics, Culture, Archeology, Language Education, and East Asia Regional Studies.人文学部 Faculty of Humanities人間発達科学部 Faculty of Human Development 「発達教育学科」と「人間環境システム学科」の2学科6コースを設けて、 教員養成学部というこれまでの枠にとどまらず、生涯教育時代にふさわしい先進的な教育カリキュラムを提供します。学校教育・生涯教育・社会教育から企業内教育まで、広義の教育の場面で活躍できる持続可能な自己教育力を持った人材の育成を目指しています。 The Faculty of Human Development consists of two departments, (1) Educational Sciences, which is based on human developmental sciences and is divided into Educational Psychology, Teacher Education, and Human Development and Welfare courses, and (2) Environment and Humanity, which trains individuals who can contribute to the promotion of local sports for health maintenance, comprehensively respond to environmental problems and engage in environmental protection, and who have the ability to communicate globally.経済学部 Faculty of Economics 経済、経営、法律を横断的に学べる社会科学系総合学部です。昼間主コースには7つの履修コースがあって、 将来の職業を意識しながら、明確な目的意識を持って学ぶことができます。また、働きながら学ぶ社会人等を対象とした夜間主コースも設けられ、多様な学生が学んでいることも特徴です。企業のトップをはじめ、社会で活躍中の実務家による特殊講義も数多く用意されています。 The Faculty of Economics is an integrated social science faculty that provides cross-sectional study of Economics, Business Administration and the Law. The daytime course includes seven courses that allow students to become familiar with their future professions and to study with a clear sense of purpose. In addition, there is an evening course designed for working adults whose distinguishing feature is the diversity of students. The Faculty provides a large number of special lectures by business leaders who play an active part in the community.理学部 Faculty of Science 自然界を律する基本的な原理や法則の探求を使命とする学部です。最先端の研究を通じて、専門知識と問題解決能力を持った人材の育成を目指しています。また、広い視野から問題解決にあたる応用力を育成するため、専攻分野以外の専門基礎分野を必修としています。更に、外国人教師による科学英語の講義やeラーニングなど、時代のニーズに応える教育システムの構築にも力を注いでいます。 The mission of the faculty of science is to research fundamental principles and rules governing nature. Through cutting edge research, we strive to nurture students with both technical expertise and problem solving abilities. Moreover, in order to cultivate the ability to solve various problems from a broad perspective, basic courses outside the major subjects of study are also compulsory. In addition, we are also making efforts to establish an education system suitable for current needs through e-learning and courses in scientific English tought by native English speakers.▲ 旧制富山高等学校(上)と現在の人文学部(下)11Introduction of Faculties and Graduate Schools学部・大学院Outline of University of Toyama 2016


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