Dr. David Hicks, INCI Team Leader, the University of Strasbourg, France visits University of Toyama
On March 14th and 15th, Dr. David Hicks, Team leader of Institute of Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences (INCI), the University of Strasbourg, France visited University of Toyama (UT).
The University of Strasbourg and UT have concluded an inter-university agreement in March 2019 and an agreement on a Double-Degree Program (DDP) for Ph.D. in March 2020. This visit was to give a lecture at a symposium and to exchange opinions on the implementation of DDP.
Dr. Hicks gave a lecture at the symposium hosted by Organization for International Education and Exchange, followed by presentations by the students wishing to participate in the DDP. After the symposium, Dr. Hicks visited the students’ laboratory and gave them warm advice and encouragement.
In addition, Dr. Hicks met the President Saito and the Executive Vice President Ikeda to exchange opinions on future academic collaboration centered on DDP. The President Saito expressed gratitude for his attendance at the symposium and expected contribution to UT’s internationalization. The President Saito also handed a Letter of Appointment to Dr. Hicks for his position as Liaison Professor of UT, which has been in effect since February 3rd, 2023.
With this visit, further development of academic exchange between UT and the University of Strasbourg can be expected.

President Saito (left),
Dr. David Hicks, INCI Team Leader, the University of Strasbourg(middle),
Dr. Ikeda, Executive Vice President (right)

Dr. Hicks (left) receiving a Letter of Appointment from the President Saito (right)