President of Kainan University, Taiwan, pays a courtesy visit to University of Toyama
On March 21, President Pearl Lin of Kainan University and Yi-Ling Li, Deputy Director of International Cooperation & Exchange, paid a courtesy visit to President Saito of University of Toyama (UT).
Kainan University and UT’s School of Economics signed an inter-faculty academic exchange agreement in 2013 and the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Double Degree Program (DDP) in 2017. Since then, two universities have developed academic exchanges mainly through student exchanges. Most recently, from March 2 to March 15 of this year, 23 first-year students of UT participated in the short-term English program at Kainan University, which was carried out for the first time.
This visit was made in order to sign an inter-university academic exchange agreement between Kainan University and UT as well as to award the degree to the DDP graduate. During the courtesy visit, President Saito expressed his gratitude for the success of the short-term English program and his expectations for further promotion of study abroad from Kainan University to UT. During the discussion, they exchanged enthusiastic opinions on future cooperation between the two universities, including further advancement of DDP.
After the courtesy visit, President Pearl Lin toured at Experimental Training Center of School of Sustainable Design led by Prof. Hara, Vice Dean of School of Sustainable Design. Then, she visited Institute of Natural Medicine of UT, where she listened to explanations from the Institute’s staff member.
On the following day, 22 March, President Pearl Lin attended UT’s graduation ceremony and conferred a degree from Kainan University on Ms. Kaho Kanke, UT’s very first DDP graduate. In her commencement address, she gave words of congratulations to all the graduates, encouraging them to embrace their uniqueness and be courageous to take actions and move forward to realize their dreams.
With this visit, further advancement on academic exchange between Kainan University and UT can be expected.

President Pearl Lin and President Saito signing inter-university academic exchange agreement

(First row from left)
Prof. Pearl Lin, President, Kainan University, Taiwan
President Saito
(Second row from left)
Ms. Yi-Ling Li, Deputy Director of International Cooperation & Exchange Center,
Kainan University
Executive Vice President Ikeda
Prof. Takehiko Moriguchi, Dean of School of Economics
(Third row from left)
Assoc. Prof. Tomoko Yoshikawa, Organization for International Education and Exchange
Prof. Naoki Kakita, School of Economics
Prof. Jun Ma, School of Economics
Mr. Nishio, Manager of International Affairs Division

Degree conferred on DDP graduate, Ms. Kaho Kanke, by President Pearl Lin

From left: Ms. Kaho Kanke, President Pearl Lin after UT’s graduation ceremony

Commencement address by president Pearl Lin