Exchange Students (Inbound)

Prospective Exchange Students(Inbound)


The University of Toyama accepts exchange students from partner universities with exchange agreements for a period of up to one (1) year. Applications must be conducted through the students’ home university. As such, the University shall not accept any documents without nominations from home universities.
All exchange students shall be designated to one of the Schools or Graduate Schools in the University. The maximum number of students to be accepted differs from each partner university. Some Schools (or Graduate Schools) at the University require a specific level of Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).If you have any questions about the course and contents, please contact us or your home university’s international office. We may arrange your schools that match course you are interested in.

Exchange Students from the Partner Universities(University-level)


The procedures from partner universities (School or Graduate School – level) differs from the following. For further information, please contact your home university’s international office.

応募期間 Period of Application

  1. 10月入学:前年11月~2月(締切日については、所属している大学に確認すること)
    Enrollment in October (Fall) Semester: November (the previous year) – February (Confirm application deadlines with your home university)
  2. 4月入学:前年5月~8月(締切日については、所属している大学に確認すること)
    Enrollment in April (Spring) Semester: May (the previous year) – August (Confirm application deadlines with your home university)

留学期間 Duration of Exchange

  1. 10月入学 Enrollment in Fall Semester
    1. 10月~2月(または3月) 【2月中旬~3月は春季休業】
      October – February (or March) 【Spring holidays : Mid-February – March】
    2. 10月~8月(または9月) 【8月中旬~9月は夏季休業】
      October – August (or September) 【Summer holidays: Mid-August – September】
  2. 4月入学(一部の学部〔大学院〕は、4月入学の募集をしていません。)
    Enrollment in Spring Semester (Some Schools [or Graduate Schools] do not accept exchange students from April or the Spring Semester)
    1. 4月~8月(または9月) 【8月中旬~9月は夏季休業】
      April – August (or September)【Summer holidays: Mid- August – September】
    2. 4月~2月(または3月) 【2月中旬~3月は春季休業】
      April – February (or March) 【Spring holidays: Mid- February – March】

Click “University Calendar” for the Academic Calendar.

提出書類 Document to be Submitted

  1. 入学申請書(所定様式)
    Application form for admission (designated format)
  2. 在学証明書
    Student certificate of enrollment from current (home) university
  3. 最新の成績証明書
    Most recent transcript
  4. 推薦状(学長または在籍する部局長名で作成し、申請者の所属、氏名、派遣期間が明記されているもの)
    Letter of recommendation (written by the dispatching University President or Department Head, specifying the student’s name, affiliation, and duration of dispatch)
  5. 財政能力証明書(所定様式)収入証明書、預金残高証明書または預金通帳の全ページコピーを添付してください。
    Financial statements (designated format)
    Attach your Income Statement, Bank Balance Statement including copies of all the pages of your bank savings account passbook
  6. 健康診断書(所定様式)
    Health certificate (designated format)
  7. パスポートのコピー
    Copy of passport
  8. 写真(縦4cm×横3cm)
    Photographs (height 4cm × width 3cm)
  9. 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書(所定様式)(Excelデータで提出すること)
    Application for certificate of eligibility (designated format) (submit in excel format)
  10. 安全保障輸出管理に関する誓約書(所定様式)
    Pledge for security export control (designated format)
  • 提出書類は、日本語または英語で作成願います。
    Please complete the documents either in Japanese or English
  • 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書は入学許可後に必要な手続きです。
    “Application for certificate of eligibility” is a necessary procedure for those who have been admitted.
    We require the document at this stage, but please note that the acceptance has not been decided.
  • 上記の他、受入れ学部(大学院)によっては、追加の資料を求められる場合があります。
    Some Schools (Graduate Schools) may require additional information.

国際交流会館への入居について Resident at International House


After permission to enroll at University of Toyama, candidates may apply for international house of either campuses (Gofuku or Sugitani). The procedure will be informed through your home university. (Takaoka campus has no international house.)

日本語の授業について Japanese Classes


Exchange students can take Japanese classes at Organization for International Education and Exchange (OIEE). Click “Organization for International Education and Exchange (OIEE)” for the detailed information.

英語で受けられる授業について Classes in English

If you would like to take your special field of study in English, it may be possible to make an arrangement, so please consult in advance about the field or subject you want to study.

お問い合わせ Contact

If you have any questions about the exchange programs, please contact us or your international office at home university.

  • E-mail:

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