令和5年度10月期 入学式 式辞






Since we have international students here today, I would like to give a short congratulatory message in English.

First of all, as the president of the University of Toyama, I welcome you all and give my warmest congratulations.
In recent years, the social situation surrounding us has changed significantly.
With the COVID-19 infection, the digital transformation revolution is rapidly advancing, and the importance of systematically utilizing information and making it useful to society is increasing. Also Generative AI will change society in the future.
Along with this change, society is shifting from a form of “mass production and mass disposal” to a society that utilizes a circular economy in which people produce only what they need and recycle and reuse as much as they need.
In order to adapt to such a “new era”, there is a need for the creation of new “intelligence” in which humanities, sciences, medicine and pharmaceutical studies are integrated. We have reorganized the graduate school’s master’s program to promote the study of integrated fields.

Also, the times are shifting post-COVID-19,and we are entering a phase of creating a new society based on discussion without restricting social activities.
I hope that you will actively interact with many people, not only to deepen your knowledge, but also to make many friends. I hope that Japanese students will actively converse with international students in English, and that international students will learn simple Japanese and deepen their interaction with Japanese students.

So, I wish you build a network between different disciplines students, professors, and regional people.
I hope you establish various network to cultivate new academic sciences by integrating different fields, during stay in Toyama.
In particular, there is an urgent need to develop human resources for data science, green human resources for carbon neutrality, and human resources who can speak English for international activities.
The University of Toyama focuses on education in these fields. Generative AI can give answers based on past data, but it cannot create anything new. I hope you all to cultivate your originality through discussions with people from other fields and international students. In order to achieve wellbeing, it is important to first plan and then execute the plan and gain a sense of accomplishment. I hope that everyone will take up the challenge of doing various things, and I hope that you will do them.

Toyama city is a place full of nature, culture and valuable industries.
I am sure you will have valuable time here, and our staffs make effort to support you so that you will be able to learn a lot of things. If you have some troubles, please contact our staffs. they will support you.
For students and staffs, I also would like to make our university to “Omoshiroi” which means interesting, enjoyable or amusing in English. Let’s study together and create our university to “Omoshiroi” together.

I hope you will have a very fulfilling school life in this beautiful city of Toyama.


富山大学長 齋藤 滋