令和6年度入学式 式辞



Since we have international students here today, I would like to give a short congratulatory message also in English.
First of all, as the president of the University of Toyama, I welcome you all and give my warmest congratulations.


The University of Toyama has nine schools: the School of Humanities, the School of Education, the School of Economics, the School of Arts and Design, the School of Engineering, the School of Science, the School of Medicine, the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the School of Sustainable Design. And, our university has University Hospital, Institute of Natural Medicine, Institute of Light Metals, Research Center for Pre-Disease Science, Research Center for Idling Brain Science, Research Center for Cultural Property Conservation and New Creative Technologies, and Center for Carbon Neutral Creation Research. There are about 9,000 students and about 2,300 faculty members.
Our university was established in 1875. After that, Toyama University, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University and Takaoka National College were integrated and was established to University of Toyama in 2005. This year marks the 19th year since the merger, and the integration of education and research between the schools has been progressing.
There are about 9,000 students and about 2,300 faculty members.


Let me briefly explain about education at the University of Toyama.
First, the liberal arts education of the first-year undergraduate students will be unified at the Gofuku Campus, so students from nine faculties will meet and learn together. It is my hope that you will take advantage of the benefits of a comprehensive university and encourage more cross-faculty interaction among students. From the second year onward, you will be divided into three campuses (Gofuku, Sugitani, and Takaoka) to receive specialized education.


Now, society has changed dramatically over the past few years. We are in a so-called social transition. We are undergoing a structural shift from the industrial society of the past to a post-industrial society, in other words, a knowledge society. It is also required to create products designed for recycling to make sustainable use of natural resources, collect and sort products that have exceeded their useful life, upgrade them to improve their quality, and recycle resources to obtain economic benefits. New industries are being created using ideas, and society is shifting from a manufacturing-oriented to an idea-based society. In Japan, there is a reflection that we have lagged in these changes. To address these issues, Japan needs to reform its education system. Until now, uniform education has been provided, and after graduation, individual persons with improved academic skills have been able to solve problems. On the other hand, today, many things have become highly specialized, and this has changed so that in addition to basic academic skills, people with excellent abilities who specialize in a certain field work together in a multi-professional environment to solve problems. Therefore, in addition to the acquisition of basic academic skills, universities are changing to provide education that improves the ability to make the most of individual characteristics. Society has already shifted from a system of individual competition to a system of group competition to solve problems.


To respond to these new structures, our university is placing particular emphasis on three areas: active learning (problem-based learning), data science, and English language education. First, active learning is a form of lecture in which students share their opinions with their peers from different schools on issues to be solved and formulate concrete measures to solve them. This is not passive learning, but rather learning in which students actively collect data, incorporate not only their own opinions but also those of students from different schools, and find solutions through a concerted effort. Through university lectures, we hope that students will enhance their own education, plan, formulate, and find solutions through discussions with others, and enhance their humanity and overall knowledge. These experiences will be very useful when you go out into the society. The success of young people is essential for the future development of Japan, so I hope that all of you will study at the University of Toyama and grow up to be great human resources. Data science is a series of processes that involves not only collecting data and analyzing them using mathematical methods, but also identifying issues, finding solutions, presenting them in a way that many people can understand, and taking action to solve problems. The University of Toyama has made data science a compulsory subject for all first-year students from 2020. In 2021, the University was certified by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as a Data Science and AI Literacy Level, and in 2023, the University earned Literacy Level Plus certification, which is granted to only 21 universities in Japan. Also, the School of Economics offers a data science class in which students from any school can participate. This is a practical education program in which students from several schools, faculty members with a deep knowledge of data science, and company employees work together to solve problems brought to them by companies and local governments in Toyama Prefecture from the standpoint of data science. Furthermore, from 2023, our university is training top personnel to handle advanced information, including AI and generative AI, in the master’s and doctor’s programs of the graduate school. I am sure that what I learned at the university will be useful in the future, especially since data science personnel are in high demand in Japan to promote DX.


With globalization and easy videoconferencing over the web, English conversation has become an essential part of business and research in the working world. For first-year students, the TOEIC exam will be held immediately after enrollment to determine their current English conversation ability. After studying at university, the TOEIC exam will be held again to check your progress. Last year and the year before, exam scores improved significantly. We will provide an opportunity for applicants with outstanding grades to experience foreign culture and education by enrolling in a University of Toyama partner university overseas for a short period of time during spring break. Up to 60 students will receive a subsidy of 100,000 yen per student from the University of Toyama Foundation for their overseas study. We encourage you to take up the challenge of short-term overseas training. Students can also use the self-study system (ALC) for English conversation, so please enhance your own skills through self-study in addition to lectures.
As academics have become highly developed, the traditional four-year school education is no longer sufficient, and there is a strong demand from business and society for more advanced specialized knowledge in graduate school. Those who have obtained a master’s or a doctor’s degree are active in society in positions of responsibility. The University of Toyama has completely reorganized its graduate school master’s program in 2022 and its doctor’s program in 2024. The graduate education program has been reorganized so that graduate education is conducted in multiple schools and integrated knowledge is learned. This has led to a 68% increase in the number of top 10% papers over the past two years as cross-faculty research has progressed within the university. In addition, we offer various scholarship programs for graduate students. We are pleased to announce that more students than we expected have enrolled in our graduate school because of these efforts. We hope that the students who have enrolled in the graduate school today will study fusion education and grow to become the kind of human resources society needs. We hope that students who enter the University of Toyama as undergraduates will also recognize that they have the option of enrolling in graduate school in the future. The University of Toyama hopes to contribute to the local community by producing human resources that are sought after by many companies, government agencies, and society. And the results of these efforts are steadily being seen.


I would like to make our university to “Omoshiroi” which means interesting, enjoyable or amusing in English. Please challenge yourself in many things, develop yourself greatly to cope with the new era of change, and engage in friendly competition so that you will become a person who is sought after by society and can play an active role in it. The world situation today is extremely unstable, with conflicts taking place in many places and economic instability. To overcome these times, we hope that you will acquire comprehensive knowledge, respond flexibly to various stresses, and overcome challenges not as individuals but as a team.
In addition to studying, university life, including extracurricular activities, is a precious time in your life when you can make lifelong friends and mentors. Please deepen your friendship by interacting with students from other faculties, interacting with seniors, and interacting with faculty and staff. The university years are the most glorious and enjoyable period of one’s life in adolescence. Toyama Prefecture is rich in nature, with both the sea and mountains to enjoy. It is also blessed with delicious water, seafood, and mountain vegetables. Since you are going to spend your university life in Toyama, please enjoy your university life in Toyama Prefecture so that it will become your second home. We hope that those of you from Toyama Prefecture will tell those from outside the prefecture about the charms of Toyama Prefecture. I also hope that you will have many interesting experiences at the University of Toyama and spend a wonderful time in your youth.


We will do our utmost to support you so that you can realize the “fun” of learning with you in the future. I would also like families to watch and support their growth while respecting their children’s independence. I hope that your student life will be fruitful.

富山大学長 齋藤 滋