令和5年度学位記授与式 学長告辞



Since we have international students here today, I would like to give a short congratulatory message also in English.
It is my great pleasure to be able to conduct the graduation ceremony that brings together students from all nine faculties and graduate students.
It’s a great pleasure to see you all today. You have been awarded a degree by the University of Toyama. On behalf of the University, I extend my sincere congratulations.


Four years ago, in 2020, the COVID-19 infection suddenly spread, and the University of Toyama took a leave of absence and the first remote classes began in May. Then, face-to-face classes were held under masks. In May 2023, the COVID-19 infection became a category 5 infectious diseases, and we finally returned to normal classes and extracurricular activities.
You have worked diligently on your studies despite facing many difficult situations during the COVID-19 pandemic, and today you have earned your degree. I sincerely commend you all for your efforts.
Those who entered master’s and doctoral programs challenged a new field of research amidst the hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic, and while face-to-face discussions and experiments were limited, they sorted through the findings reported so far, found out what they did not know, repeated many experiments and read various books in order to solve these problems, and found and proved new findings that were not known before. Furthermore, I commend you for compiling these results into a paper.
I believe that what you have learned in depth and found solutions in my master’s and doctoral programs will be very useful in my future life.


Society is currently undergoing major changes.
On the economic front, inflation is rising around the world and economies are becoming unstable worldwide.
Simultaneously, conflicts are occurring around the world, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Israel’s invasion of the Palestinian Gaza Strip, resulting in the deaths of many ordinary residents.
Conflicts between religions and between liberal and totalitarian states have intensified.
Up until now, it was thought that globalization would benefit people around the world and reduce conflicts, but the reality is that globalization has led to a remarkable localization of wealth, and the disparity between the rich and the poor is widening.
These things have given rise to growing conflicts and political instability. I think we are currently in a period of turmoil as we search for a new ideal society to solve these social issues.


I hope that you will be able to use the knowledge and experience you have gained at the university to solve these issues.
In the problem-solving class you took in college, you learned how to solve a single problem by collaborating with others in different fields of expertise and borrowing the abilities of others that you did not have.
In the process of developing countermeasures based on the wisdom of the group rather than the strength of individuals, I believe that the participants experienced how wonderful it is to respect each other’s abilities and to solve social issues with the same direction.
In order to cope with a changing society, I hope that all graduates to make use of these experiences to realize a wonderful future society. In addition, the future society will be accompanied by the spread of DX and the social implementation of AI, information professionals who can use these technologies will be needed.
The University of Toyama focuses on data science education, and I hope that students will use the data science you learn at the university in the real world to solve various social issues.


Although the new coronavirus pandemic infection greatly limited social activities, on the other hand, conversations are now easily conducted via the Web, making it easier to have conversations and meetings with people from other countries.
From now on, I hope that you will use the English language skills you have learned at university and your experience in exchanges with foreign students abroad to become internationally active human resources, which will help to eliminate economic disparities between regions and to run your businesses.
In addition, we were able to produce our first graduate under the double degree program concluded between an overseas university (Taiwan’s Kainan University) and the University of Toyama.
I hope that many students will challenge the double degree program in the future.


For those who have graduated from graduate school, what you have learned in depth during your master’s or doctoral program will be very useful for your work and research activities in the future.
Advanced professionals with a master’s or doctorate degree who have conducted research in graduate school, clarified previously unresolved issues through various ingenious experiments or by organizing past literature, or who have solved issues using data science based on big data that exists in society are in high demand by society.
In science experiments, the process of devising and improving procedures until you become stable and produce reliable results is very important, and I believe this is the result of what you were able to learn in graduate school.
In the humanities, you were greatly educated through reading and interpreting many documents and materials to come up with new interpretations, and you also wrote a thesis with proposals for solving social issues.
In part, you also conducted research in the fields of data science and SDGs, a fusion of the humanities and sciences, and published a paper on the subject. In the doctoral program, I think it is significant that the students have found their own ways to solve problems by setting issues based on their understanding of changes in the natural sciences and society.
Society is looking for people who can set their own agenda in addition to those who can solve problems, so all of you who are completing graduate school have grown into promising individuals.
I would like to commend each of you for your hard work, and at the same time, I hope that you will continue to accumulate achievements in a society that is likely to undergo major changes in the future, making use of the experience you gained in graduate school after entering the workforce.
From April, I hope that both undergraduate and graduate graduates will be networking with new people in new workplaces, and showing your individuality and play an active role.
I hope that you will be able to adapt to your new workplace and lead a fulfilling life.

富山大学は、これからも富山県での地域活性化の中核として、地域から頼られる国立大学として地方創生に貢献していきたいと思っています。富山県の掲げる「ウェルビーイング先進地域 富山を目指して」並びに富山市の掲げる「スマートシティー」の実現のために、富山大学も取り組んでいく所存です。 教員並びに大学院生の研究成果を活かして、アルミや創薬という富山県の2大産業のみならず、カーボンニュートラル、SDGsといった世界的な課題にも取り組んで実績を積み重ね、研究成果を社会実装し、世の中を変えたいと思っています。そのためには、富山大学と卒業生とのネットワークが重要です。卒業後も富山大学と卒業生の皆様方との絆をさらに深めたいと願っています。富山大学は未来に役立つ研究成果を、国内外の研究機関並びに卒業生の皆様と連携しながらつぎつぎに発信していくつもりです。産学官金民の連携に加えて卒業生との連携をさらに強化し、新たなイノベーションを起こし、富山県を元気にしたいと考えています。

The University of Toyama will continue to contribute to regional revitalization as the core of regional top leader in Toyama.
We will also work toward the realization of Toyama Prefecture’s “Well-being Advanced Area Toyama” and Toyama City’s “Smart City”.
I would like to utilize the research results of our faculty and graduate students to tackle not only the two major industries of Toyama Prefecture, aluminum and drug discovery, but also global issues such as carbon neutrality and SDGs, to accumulate achievements, implement research results in society, and make a difference in the world.
In order to realize this, it is important to keep the connection between the University of Toyama and graduates.
I hope to strengthen the ties between the University of Toyama and you after graduation.
In addition, we intend to disseminate research results that will be useful in the future in collaboration with research facilities in Japan and overseas. In addition to industry, academia, government, finance, private sector collaboration, we hope to further strengthen ties with graduates to generate new innovations and energize Toyama Prefecture.
We will do our best to be a proud alma mater university for everyone, so we hope that you will support the University of Toyama as an alumnus.

最後になりますが、卒業生の皆さんにフランスの哲学者アランの言葉を贈ります。前富山県知事の石井隆一様が認められた「失われた30年の回顧 未来の希望」の中の一節で紹介されている言葉です。「人間は希望に向けた自らの意思を持つこと、そして創造する事によってのみ幸福である」と述べています。卒業生の皆さんが、この先、種々の課題に関して積極的に関わり、解決策を多くの仲間と共に作り上げ、それらを実行する事で、幸せで、かつ素晴らしい人生を送られることを祈念し、学長告辞といたします。

Finally, I would like to leave you, the graduates, with the words of the French philosopher Alain. These words are introduced in a section of the book “Retrospective of the Lost 30 Years Hope for the Future” by former Governor of Toyama Prefecture, Mr. Ryuichi Ishii.
He states, “
I wish all the graduates a happy and wonderful life by being actively involved in various issues, creating solutions with many colleagues, and implementing them.
Thank you.

富山大学長 齋藤 滋