令和5年度9月期学位記授与式 学長告辞


Since we have international students here today, I would like to give a short congratulatory message in English.
Hello everyone. It’s a great pleasure to see you all today.
You have been awarded a degree by the University of Toyama.
On behalf of the University, I extend my sincere congratulations.

In recent years, the social situation has changed significantly. Advanced technologies such as generative AI and IoT are becoming more sophisticated and capable of analyzing big data. Meanwhile, the increased use of fossil fuels has led to heat waves, typhoons, and wildfires around the world. Therefore, technological innovation is also required for environmental measures such as promotion of carbon neutrality and recycling. In addition, COVID-19 infection is now controlled by vaccines and other means, and social activities are becoming more active. In order to adapt to such a “new era,” different disciplines will be linked and fused, and new disciplines that transcend the humanities and sciences that have never existed will be required, and the University of Toyama has been promoting fusion education that integrates the humanities and sciences. Everyone has also acquired learning in new areas. To this end, it is important to communicate in English as a common language. This is because we can now easily converse in English with people overseas via web conferencing. I hope that Japanese Graduates will communicate with people from other countries, and I hope that Graduates from abroad will make the most of their experience in Japan to play an active role in the world.

You have been studying and deepening your knowledge every day in each specialized field. With the “knowledge and experience” that you have cultivated at the University of Toyama, I hope that you will continue to challenge new academic fields beyond one field and play an active role in the new era. I hope that you will continue to cherish the various “networks” you have built at the University of Toyama, such as connections between people and the local community, and continue to hone your human skills with a broad perspective and flexibility. I hope that your studies and research at the University of Toyama will lead the way in the advanced and complex new era that lies ahead.

The University of Toyama contributes to the regional and international community through education, research, and social contribution. I also would like to make our university to be attractive and “Omoshiroi” which means interesting, enjoyable or amusing in English.
Please continue to try the various new things in Toyama, Hometown or around the world.
I sincerely wish you all the best after graduation.


富山大学長 齋藤 滋